Harnessing the Wind

Generating Renewable Energy for Electric Cars

The current systems available for electric vehicle charging are highly limited, as the batteries only last for short durations and there is no way to provide long term charging while on the go. There are many potential forms of reusable energy that can be collected from a vehicle as it is driving to provide power to these batteries; however, the applications for such forms of energy have not yet been developed in a way that solves the consumer and environmental issues with electric vehicle charging capabilities.

Harnessing the Wind aims to solve this problem by using wind
energy generated through motion to charge the battery of an electric vehicle. During the 2022-2023 school year, our team from Boulder Creek High School’s Engineering Design and Development class developed and constructed a prototype VEX robotics vehicle to test this concept using two 3D printed fans placed at the front of a fiberglass body. In April 2023, we presented the concept to a panel of judges at the SkillsUSA Arizona State Leadership and Skills Conference.

Technical Drawings

Final Presentation Report